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Old 08-24-2018, 12:48 AM   #29
Join Date: Feb 2005
Default Re: Gods and Demigods - not really that smart

Odin has IQ 13 (Per & Will 30)
I can't think of any myth where Odin is outwitted, even by Loki.

Odin is a god of death, as well as insight, foreknowledge and battle-wisdom.

High IQ, plus precognition and other powers seem appropriate.

Zeus, as far as I know, is not one for consistently clever or well thought out plans.
Zeus led the war that overthrew the Titans. He tricked Cronus into disgorging his brothers and sisters allowing them to participate in the rebellion.

Gods of myth often have inferior social and tactical skills compared to humans, but deep knowledge into things mortals don't.
The gods of myth also lost the war for human worship to the God of Abraham. The victors write the history, and most of the stories of Greek, Roman, Norse and other gods have been skewed by the lens of the Church... or simply appropriated outright.

Look at the image of God on the Sistine Chapel. Then look up an image of Zeus. Notice anything?

if I want to model Ares or Thor IQ 20 is not a good choice
Gods of myth are inhumanly intelligent. They know Things Man Was Not Meant to Know... but they also are ruled by their disadvantages.

Thor isn't stupid... but he is overconfident.

Ares isn't stupid, but he does have Bloodlust and is arguably Cowardly.

Tyr isn't stupid... but he is Honest, Truthful, has a Code of Honor and is One Handed.

demigod might have something like ST 30 HT 20 DX 20 IQ 20
I would argue that for most demi-gods of myth stats closer to the human norm are appropriate. There's no indication that Perseus, Achilles, etc are completely beyond the realm of human ability.

Lesser gods or average gods not known for trickery or wisdom might have IQ 16... Thor for example... still subject to critical failures.

An average god or lesser god known for wisdom or guile might have IQ 18, no failure on a normal roll without some disadvantage in play. Freyja, is a lesser god known for her guile and insight. Helios, the all seeing, fits here.

A greater god, or an average god known for wisdom and insight might have IQ 20-22. Athena, for example is a middling god but known for education, wisdom and battle tactics. Loki fits here, known for his trickery.

A greater god known for wisdom, insight or foreknowledge would be 24-26-ish. Odin, Zeus, Tyr all fit here.

However, I think the best course is not to stat up gods at all. Any true god is so far above mortals that giving them stats is pointless and even counter productive.

Why would you quantify divinity?

PCs might trick them? A veritable net positive.
I can't think of too many myths where humans tricking, or worse insulting, gods ends well for the humans... and humans are the ones making up the stories.

At best if a human outwits Coyote or Raven they get a pat on the head. Tricking Loki generally has more dire consequences... and insulting Aphrodite gets your daughter fed to the Kraken.

Last edited by tanksoldier; 08-24-2018 at 01:25 AM.
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