Thread: fantasy races
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Old 05-29-2009, 08:05 PM   #47
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Default Re: fantasy races

Originally Posted by Vaevictis Asmadi View Post
There's no reason that a non-human race couldn't be just as culturally diverse as humans are.
There is if that race has some inborn characteristic that makes it disinclined towards cultural diversity. Humans are stereotypically adaptable, malleable, flexible, so they usually have very clear cultural shifts depending on the context. Dwarves aren't, but that doesn't mean that there won't be differences between a frontier dwarven settlement in the frigid wilderness and dwarves in a more metropolitan environment. There will be constants -- whatever it is that defines dwarves as a race like adaptability defines humans as a race -- but how those constants manifest will still be different. Other races will probably look at frontier dwarves and urban dwarves both, and think "Man, those dwarves", not "man, those hicks / city slickers", because how the hick-dwarves and the city-slicker-dwarves exist in their environments will be manifestations of their common racial traits -- they may be superficially different, but they have the same basis.

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