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Old 11-22-2014, 07:12 AM   #4
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Default Re: Confused about adding innate attacks to weapons

Originally Posted by theotherscott View Post
There seems to be a discrepancy in cost when adding an innate attack to a ST-based weapon compared to an unarmed strike.
Each build will function slightly differently. Let me explain
12 points:
Burning Attack 3d [15] -20% (Melee Attack, reach 1 -25%; Link +20%; Accessibility (wielding a broadsword) -15%)

Even though a sword is a ST-based weapon, the FAQ specifically notes to not add (Melee, ST-Based +100)
You don't add ST-Based, because the fire damage is not dependent on the ST damage. It's in fact independent and must face DR separately to the ST based attack. It also works with every broadsword the character uses.
Defining the attack as a follow-up to a single weapon is about the same cost:

12 points
Burning Attack 3d [15] -25% (Melee Attack, reach 1 -25%; Follow-up +0%)
First, you don't add Melee Attack when using Follow-up, so the cost is 15, not 12. Second, you only get the follow-up when using a specific sword (that's follow-up at the +0% level), not any sword as in the previous case. Third, it ignores DR is the carrier attack penetrates, so unlike the previous case, it will only face DR once most of the time.
Also, here the damage is done by the character
However, try to add damage of some sort to an unarmed attack, you have to add the (Melee, ST-based +100%) modifier. Adding 2d crushing damage to unarmed strikes costs:

26 points
Crushing Attack 2d [15] +70% (Melee Attack, Reach C -30%; ST-Based +100%)

Why the point difference? What logic is there for required a +100% modifier for unarmed attacks but not ST-based weapons?
Unlike in the previous two cases, the extra damage helps penetration, so it will never face DR more than once (Link will always face DR twice, Follow-Up will face DR is the carrier attack can't defeat DR on it's own). Assuming 2d base damage from ST in all cases, against DR 10: Link will rarely do damage for the ST based damage, and half of the time for the burning damage (average of 3d is 10.5); Follow-Up will still rarely deal damage for the ST based part, but sometimes (on a roll of 11 and 12 in 2d) deal full damage ignoring DR for the burning damage (If DR was lower, like 5, it would nearly always ignore the DR for the burning damage part). With ST-Based, you have a single 4d attack that will only face DR once, and will penetrate quite often.
Also, how would you add burning damage to an unarmed strike?
With I would use follow-up to the unarmed attack, or use Imbuements.
Originally Posted by roguebfl View Post
That FAQ entry pre-dates Imbuments which might be what you actually want in this case.
Indeed, the rules are quite inelegant without Imbuements, as this is the case that Imbuements were created to handle.
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