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Old 05-05-2012, 04:55 PM   #7
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Location: Yukon, OK
Default Re: What does GURPS 4e do well?

Originally Posted by Dammann View Post
In short, GURPS does authorial freedom well. The worst hazard (in my own experience) is creative paralysis from a surfeit of options.
This is the biggest problem I have had with getting players involved and I typically solve it by building their first character for them. It handles most combat really well. Realistic, cinematic and unarmed or armed all are supported though never been happy with wrestling stuff (though that will probably change when Technical Grappling comes out) and really silly combat like Toons are not easily supported.
Social interaction is typically better then any other system, though its cheap to get really scary good so this requires GM moderation if it will be that kind of game.
SciFi, modern, Horror, and detective stories all work really well.
Magic requires more thought then most but I call it a win as you can come up with just about anything.
Supers I have not played in 4e but I think they will work really well.
I disagree with some people here (including a line editor) and think it can handle god like beings well also. The trick there is not just lots of points but some things can be hand waived using Realm Magic, Godlike Control and Wild Card powers. Build the critical stuff and eyeball the knockoffs with an estimate of cost or use Ultra power or something.
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