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Old 02-18-2010, 05:22 PM   #63
SMaykrantz's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Default Re: Alternate Form: The Math

Next, we read through all of the modifiers in the Basic Set, all of the new modifiers in GURPS Powers, and the special enhancements and limitations for Alternate Form. While reading through, we check off which modifiers can be applied to Alternate Form and which ones can't. A partial list looks like this:
Accessibility (yes)
Increased Range (no)
Jet (no)
Low or No Signature (no)
Malediction (no)
Reduced Time (obviously, duh)
Increased Range doesn't work because the trait is just a bridge between two forms. Jet doesn't work because the trait isn't an attack. Malediction doesn't work, for the same reason. Etc.

But . . . it's not that simple. A lot of exceptions crop up and we need to make judgment calls. Example One: Increased Range could be applied to Projected Form (-50%). Example Two: Malediction could work if you're using Affects Others (+50%).

The complete survey of modifiers will have be carried out by the game designers, followed by a reasonable amount of playtesting. I'm sure that will happen some day, possibly in a GURPS Shapechangers update/rewrite. Or maybe a Pyramid article.

[end of part two]
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