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Old 06-27-2008, 01:56 AM   #11
Join Date: Nov 2006
Default Re: DF Adventure: It Came From Wawne

At the end of the hall are two double doors which lead into the throne room. When they doors are opened the PCs see many lizardmen, trolls, snakemen and two snakemen upon the throne diaz, one on the throne and the other beside him. The King shouts "Attack!" The King cheers on his warriors as he sits on the throne and watches.

There are 20 lizardmen, 8 swamp trolls and 5 snakemen (Hsaing)

ST:15 DX:12 IQ:14 HT:12 HP:16 Will:12 Per:12 FP:12 Speed:6.00 Move:6 SM:+1 DR:2 Dodge:9 Parry:10 (unarmed)

Bite:1d+1 cutting +2d poison (HT-6)
Claw:1d+1 cutting

Traits:Claws(Sharp); Constriction Attack; Amphibious; Combat Reflexes; Peripheral vision; Pressure Support; Terrain Adaptation (Swamp)

Skills:Brawling-16; Swimming-18; Wrestling-18

Throne of King Sardak: This throne room is quite grand. King Sardak sits upon a golden throne (which is more like a couch) adorned with many jewels and gems. King Sardak is quite large and lazy, he sits behind Utter Dome while the rest of his minions fight. He is constantly cheering his minions on shouting "Kill them." If all of the warriors are defeated then King Sardak and his mage Kez will still remain behind the utterdome wall. King Sardak will say "Now it is time for a true mage to rid us of these adventurers. Kez, destroy them now."

Kez responds and says "Yes my King." Kez then begins to chant and cast a spell. Magical energy is surrounds his casting hands, crackling with power. Kez is merely doing a flashy spell that does nothing other than to distract the PCs so that the elite assassins can sneak up behind the PCs. King Sardak is very sly and has set up a backup plan in case his warriors were defeated. There are two permeable walls on the left and right walls. The assassins are four poison elves who have just made their weapons extremely toxic (4d poison). If they succede with their stealth roll they will attempt to backstab the PCs. If they are seen, they will fight with their swords and Kez and King sardak will disappear.

Poison elf assassins
ST:12 DX:18 IQ:13 HT:12 HP:18 Will:15 Per:18 Speed:7.5 Move:8 SM:0 DR:5 Dodge:11 Parry:14

Swords(22)1d-1thrust, 1d+2 swing +4d6 poison (Resist HT-6)

Traits: Dark Vision; Double Jointed; Magery 0; Resistance (Poison); Silence 2; Teeth (Sharp); Toxic Attack 4d (Cosmic, Lingering special effect, +100%; Costs Fatigue, 1 FP, -5%; Melee Attack, Reach C, -30%; Resistible, HT-30%); Unnatural Feature (Serpent-like Eyes).

Skills: Shadow-20; Stealth-20; Sword-22
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