Thread: [RPM] Questions
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Old 03-07-2016, 10:28 AM   #6
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: [RPM] Questions

Originally Posted by PK View Post
I consider it so, yes. Look at the spell Sorcerous Mark for an example of a fair approach -- if that spell succeeds, the victim has a penalty to resist further of your spells.
Works for me. To the OP, I should note that while it certainly seems like you should be able to pump more energy into a spell to make it harder to resist (the tradeoff being that you need to make larger sacrifices, spend more time, and so forth), actually allowing this will allow the character to double-dip in terms of high skill, as high skill both means a higher resistance penalty and more available energy to safely gather.

If you want to make things nice and complicated, one option would be to figure out which skill level the gathered energy corresponds to (use something like "exceeds 2x Safe Threshold"), then average your actual skill with this to determine the penalty (round toward your skill level). So, let's use a Skill 16 mage. With a 12 energy spell, the spell's "skill level" is 11, so use Skill 14 (13.5, rounded toward actual skill, for 14). With a 200 energy spell, the spell's Skill Level is 23, so use Skill 19. In either case, this doesn't make the spell any more or less likely to be successfully cast - the effective skill is only for purposes of determining the penalty (so it can result in a bonus - for example, if the mage rolls a 16 with that 12-energy spell, he still casts it successfully, but the target resists at +2).
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