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Old 05-02-2015, 02:11 PM   #72
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Default Preliminary list of Black Knights

Here is my preliminary list of Black Knights. The number in brackets refers to the order in which they were invested, while the order in which they appear is a rough reflection of their influence and power within the secret inner circle of Himmler's intimates of occult magicians (not necessarily identical with their rank within the official hierarchy).

The first nine are strictly speaking not members of the Round Table of twelve Teutonic Knights headed by Himmler as the reincarnation of Heinrich the Fowler, but instead form a powerful inner coven that in these last days of the war appear increasingly be the only ones Himmler discusses his plans with. They are not numbered, but have letters to represent the order they received their investments.

The final five are recent additions, arriving in a somewhat mysterious fashion only in the last month or so. All of them wear some form of extremely medieval-appearing* plate harness with helms that conceal the face at all times.

I welcome suggestions for changes or additions. I'm especially looking for cool titles drawn from Wiligut's bat-guano-crazy Irminism and the anachronism-stew of Arthurian-Wagnerian chivalric references connected to the Wevelsburg.

Does someone have suggestions for better titles for the inner coven or the Black Knights.

[A] Weisthor; Das Licht der Schwarzen Sonne (the Light of the Black Sun), der geheime König (the Secret King): Karl Maria Wiligut.
[G] Der Sonnenrad: Wolfram Sievers.
[F] Amfortas: Siegfried Taubert.
[H] Ritter Gurnemanz: Udo von Woyrsch.
[J] Klingsor: Paul Blobel.
[D] Tannhäuser, Sinnzeichenmeister der Irminenschaft: Karl Diebitsch.
[C] Schwanenritter: Günter Kirchhoff.**
[E] Erilaz, Hochgode der Armanenschaft : Werner von Bülow.***
[B] Titurel: Manfred von Knobelsdorff.

[8] Großkomtur Widukind: Maximilian von Herff.
[4] Ordentreßler Heinrich der Löwe: Oswald Ludwig Pohl.
[6] Ordentrapier Dietrich: Gottlob Christian Berger.
[7] Ordenmarschall Widewotu: Hans Jüttner.
[3] Ritterbrüder Siegfried: Walter Schmitt.
[2] Ritterbrüder Bruteno: Richard Walther Darré.
[1] Ritterbrüder Lohengrin: Kurt Dalüge.
[10] Ritterbrüder Konrad von Thüringen: Ernst Kaltenbrunner.
[12] Ritterbrüder Christoph Kolumbus ('Der Rattenfänger'): Ulrich Greifelt.

The Absent Knights:

[5] Ritterbrüder Florian Geyer: August Heißmeyer. Commanding Kampfgruppe Heißmeyer (Battle Group Heißmeyer) in the last-ditch defence of Spandau airfield outside Berlin.
[11] Ritterbrüder Hermann von Salza: Werner Lorenz. Commanding military police and security units behind Heeresgruppe Weichsel (Army Group Vistula), now inside Berlin.
[9] Ritterbrüder Fridericus ('Das Schicksalsseil'): Franz Breithaupt. Presumed to be still at the Hauptamt SS Gericht (Main Legal Department of the SS) headquarters in Munich.

The Returned Knights:

[β] Ewigritter mit dem eisernen Herzen. Rarely seen, but outranks everyone but the Reichsführer-SS.
[γ] Ewigritter Totenkopf. Commands the SS-Sturmkampfgruppe Totenkopf.
[δ] Zurückgeben Ritter Verwüstung.
[α] Zurückgeben Ritter Tolle Christian.
[ε] Zurückgeben Ritter Hagel .

Karl Wolff was a founding knight of Himmler's Wevelsburg circle and is still a sincere religious Irminist. Despite being a senior SS official, absolutely trusted by Hitler and steeped in occult lore, however, he is not among the current Black Knights. This may have to do with his emnity with Weisthor.
Richard Hermann Hildebrandt, the latest chief of the RuSHA, was formally invited to a position at the Round Table when he replaced Hoffman and adopted the name Ritterbrüder Hildebrand. The restoration of the first chief of the RuSHA to Himmler's inner circle, however, means that he has remained a relative outsider as the Black Knights have developed from a quiant fancy to terrifying reality.

Hans-Adolf Prützman, Walter Schellenberg, Franz Alfred Six, Karl Hanke, Herbert Jankuhn, Werner Braune, Odilo Globocnik and others would be influential figures in Himmler's occult circles, but not present in the bunker and not formally numbered among the Black Knights.

SS-Standartenführer Rudolf Hermann Brandt is ever present at Himmler's side.
SS-Sturmbannführer Heinz Macher is trusted with various sensitive missions of occult nature for Himmler.
Finnish military attache Kapteeni Georg von Grönhagen (Yrjö von Grönhagen) has been in close attendence on the Reichsführer-SS and Weisthor since early 1944. His duties are nebulous.
Felix Kersten is Himmler's physical therapist.

SS-Obersturmbannführer August Becker commands a small Einsatzkommando of veterans of the SS-Totenkopfverbände and civilian engineers from Amt C of the SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt.
Directed by SS-Sturmbannführer Kurt Plötner, SS-Hauptsturmführers August Hirt and Bruno Beger carry out some kind of research utilising the talents of the disgraced, but still indispensable, Dr. Sigmund Rascher.

Ritter Parsifal: SS-Standartenführer Joachim Peiper. After the failure of Operation Frühlingserwachen, Himmler has summoned his youngest knight and brightest hope to Berlin, with what fighting companions he can muster, presumably to defend the Weltmittelpunktbunker. So far, Ritter Parsifal has not arrived in Berlin.

*If we want to be pedantic, they appear Renaissance in design, more than medieval, as they are late Gothic plate harnesses, shading into Maximilian. End of 15th century, beginning of 16th, style of thing. But black.
**No online biography, but mentioned in Flowers, Stephen E., and Michael Moynihan. 2007. The Secret King: The Myth and Reality of Nazi Occultism. Feral House and Dominion Press. and Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. 1985. The Occult Roots of Nazism: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany 1890–1935. Wellingborough, England: The Aquarian Press. as an occultist, crypto-historian and a member of the Guido von List Society who spent a lot of his time measuring ley lines.
***As above, but member and later Grand Master of the Edda-Gesellschaft instead of the Guido von List Society, and the 'translator' (fantasist) behind a lot of long-lost occult pre-historic lore. Intriguingly, like Gerald Gardner, he was a retired civil servant.
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Last edited by Icelander; 02-08-2019 at 07:24 PM.
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