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Old 04-03-2013, 10:39 AM   #341
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Udine, Italy
Default Re: [WWII Historians] Why did Hitler have WILL 18?

ADOLF HITLER in March 1932
NSDAP Party Leader and Soon-to-be Dictator of Germany (Homeline)

(c) copyright 2010 Michele Armellini

Base Setting: GURPS Infinite Worlds

Total Points: 111

Age: 43 Height: 5'6" Weight: 150 lbs. Description: You know.
ST 10 [0] HP 10 [0]
DX 10 [0] Will 14 [5]
IQ 13 [60] Per 13 [0]
HT 9 [-10] FP 9 [0]

Basic Speed: 4.75 Move: 4
Basic Damage: Thrust 1d-2, Swing 1d
Basic Lift: 20
[Total Attributes: 55]

DR: 0 Dodge: 7 Parry: 8
(DX) Block: 0

Reaction Modifiers:

Positive Modifiers: Charisma (+2, always), Reputation (+3, when applicable), Status (+4, always), Talent (Smooth Operator) (+1, from other con artists); Looks Good in Uniform (+1, when in uniform on official duty); Megalomania (+2, from young, naïve characters), Overconfidence (+2, from young, naïve characters).
Negative Modifiers: Appearance (-1, always), Delusion (-1, when perceived), Intolerance (-1 to –5, from all affected groups), Megalomania (-2, from experienced characters), Overconfidence (-2, from experienced characters), Paranoia (-2, when perceived), Reputation (-2, when applicable), Social Stigma (-1, always), Stubbornness (-1, when perceived)
Fright Check: 14

ADVANTAGES AND PERKS: Ally Group (Nazis) (Varying point value; on 9 or less; Group Size – very large) [40]; Charisma +2 [10]; Contact Group (Financial Backers) (Effective Skill 12; on 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5]; Contact Group (Military Sympathizers) (Effective Skill 12; on 9 or less; Somewhat Reliable) [5]; Legal Immunity 1 (Reichsrat member) [5]; Reputation (Strongman who could save Germany) 3 (All the time; lots of people) [10]; Smooth Operator 1 [15]; Status 4* [15]; Wealth (Wealthy) [20].
Citizenship (German); Good with German Nationalists; Shtick (Fearsome Stare); Shtick (Looks Good in Uniform) [4].
* Includes +1 from Wealth.
[Total Advantages and Perks: 129]

DISADVANTAGES AND QUIRKS: Appearance (Unattractive) [-4]; Bad Temper (on 12 or less) [-10]; Delusion (Multiple) (Minor) [-5]; Enemy (Political Enemies; on 9 or less; Rival) [-15]; Fanaticism (Himself and Nazism) [-15]; Intolerance (Total) [-10]; Megalomania [-10]; Obsession (Carrying out his Agenda) (on 12 or less) [-10]; Overconfidence (on 12 or less) [-5]; Paranoia [-10]; Reputation (Fascist Party Leader) –2 All the time; lots of people) [-6]; Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]; Stubbornness [-5].
Hates Jews in Particular; Likes Dogs; Prefers the Company of Inferiors; Vegetarian, Teetotaller, Non-smoker, and Obnoxious about All of That; Somewhat Lazy [-5].
[Total Disadvantages and Quirks: -115]

SKILLS: Acting-15* [4]; Administration-12 [1]; Area Knowledge (Bavaria)-13 [1]; Artist(Painting)-11 [1]; Current Affairs/TL6 (Politics)-13 [1]; Fast-Talk-15*** [4]; Gesture-13 [1]; Guns/TL6 (Rifle)-10 [1]; History (German)-11 [1]; Intimidation-15*** [2]; Leadership-15** [1]; Occultism-12 [1]; Politics-14* [2]; Propaganda/TL6-15 [8]; Psychology (Human)-11 [1]; Public Speaking-18** [8]; Savoir-Faire (High Society)-14*** [1]; Savoir Faire (Military)-14*** [1]; Soldier/TL6-12 [1]; Tactics-11 [1].
* Includes +1 from Smooth Operator 1.
** Includes +2 from Charisma 2, +1 from Smooth Operator 1.
*** May get +2 from Charisma 2 when making Influence rolls; includes +1 from Smooth Operator 1.
[Total Skills and Techniques: 42]

TL: 6 Cultural Familiarities: Western [0].
LANGUAGES: German (native) [0].
[Total Cultural Familiarities and Languages: 0]

Notable Default Levels:
Connoisseur (Music)-8 [0, from IQ]; Diplomacy-8 [0, from Politics]; Economics-7 [0, from IQ]; Intelligence Analysis/TL6-7 [0, from IQ]; Performance-16 [0, from Public Speaking].

Reaction Modifier Examples:
A young, naïve Nazi has a brief meeting with Hitler but doesn't get to know him personally. The boy is affected by: Charisma (+2), Reputation (+3), Status (+4), Looks Good in Uniform (+1), Megalomania (+2), Overconfidence (+2), Appearance (-1), Social Stigma (-1) and Stubbornness (-1; even in that brief conversation he noticed that). Net modifier: +11.
A woman who, while not a Nazi, is a German nationalist manages to get a handshake in a crowded event; she doesn't know a lot about the details of the NSDAP platform and Hitler's personality. She is affected by: Charisma (+2), Reputation (+3), Status (+4), Looks Good in Uniform (+1), Appearance (-1), Social Stigma (-1). Net modifier: +8.
An intermediate Nazi party official, an experienced politician, having Status 1, takes part in a campaign planning meeting with Hitler; he notices several flaws, though not all of them. He is affected by: Charisma (+2), Reputation (+3), Status (+3), Looks Good in Uniform (+1), Appearance (-1), Megalomania (-2), Overconfidence (-2), Social Stigma (-1), Stubbornness (-1). Net modifier: +2.
An influential, shrewd, conservative foreign observer reads about Hitler. He doesn't spend much time looking at photos. He gets: Reputation (+3), Status (+2, he's Status 2 himself), Intolerance (-1), Megalomania (-2), Overconfidence (-2), Social Stigma (-1). Net modifier: -1.
An experienced Jewish Communist Party member doesn't meet Hitler, so he doesn't get to know all his flaws, but here's how he reacts to a speech on the basis of what he knows: Charisma (+2), Looks Good in Uniform (+1), Status (-4 since he resents Status), Appearance –1, Intolerance (-5), Megalomania (-2), Reputation (-2), Social Stigma (-1). Net Modifier: -12.
Michele Armellini
GURPS Locations: St. George's Cathedral

Last edited by Michele; 02-09-2015 at 08:34 AM.
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